The Best Drinking Games Ever: House Party Hacks

Lemme India
4 min readFeb 26, 2021


Who doesn’t love a little fun when they are out there drinking and chilling with their buddies? We always tend to remember the times when we couldn’t hold our laughter and made some memories together! We’re here to add the extra spice, fun, and laughter to your fun moments when you have a glass of Lemme in your hand and friends beside you.

Let’s begin

Straight Face

Keep that resting bitch of yours constant today! Didn’t get what we mean? Let us help you! All you guys need is a piece of paper for each one of you. Write down some absolutely ridiculous, hilarious, or inappropriate sentences, like the ones that everyone would struggle to read or hear while keeping a straight face! Do you see where we are going with this? Mix the chits up and now each one of you gets any random piece of paper. One at a time, each player will have to read that sentence out loud without giggling, laughing, or smirking. If you fail, you drink!

Liar or a Truth Teller?

Who loves a little storytime? We do! Here’s something fun with telling stories! You need pieces of paper and dice to play this. Everyone writes down different nouns on pieces of paper. When it is your turn, you pick a piece and roll the dice (do not let anyone see what number you rolled). If you roll an even number, you need to tell a true incident from your life involving what is written on that paper but if you roll an odd number, you need to make up a false story. Everyone listens and guesses if the story you have just told is true or false! If they are wrong, they drink and if they are right, you drink!


Shot! Shot! Shot! In this fun game, you need tons of shot glasses ready and that’s it! All of you gather and sit around in a circle. We begin with all of our heads down. On the count of three, everyone looks up and stares at any of the players. If you find yourself looking at someone who isn’t looking at you, you are safe but if the two of you are looking directly into the eyes of each other, shout Medusa! And take a shot. Keep going until all the shots are gone.


We love ourselves a little mix of both truth or dare, don’t we? The person on your right whispers you a question and the answer of which has to be someone from the ones playing the game. You need to say the name out loud as your answer. Now if someone wants to know what the question was, they drink and only then you tell them the question!

Do you have a coin?

Find those coins lying around in your house because we are going to need them! And then, it gets fun. Fill the cups with your favorite alcohol and place them at least 8 inches away from all the players. Everyone takes turns and tries to bounce the quarter off the table into the cup. If successful, they make another player drink it and also get another chance. When it is your turn, remember it is time you make them pay back!



Lemme India
Lemme India

Written by Lemme India

Rum so yum, it’ll make you go WOW! Naturally Lemon • Beautifully crafted for India • Run on Rum • Drink Responsibly.

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